Value Engineering
This is a process in which the owner, consultants and contractor work as a team to provide alternate products, systems or approaches to a given aspect of the project which decreases costs while not sacrificing quality or provides increased quality without raising the costs.
Being an Owners Representative for a variety of project types, MCCS is well versed at on-going reviews of the projects goals/requirements in comparison with design detailing, systems and product selections. There are numerous times throughout a project design where the architects or design consultants direction or selection of aesthetics, materials or systems can be accomplished in a less costly manner, with use of a different material or systems that better accomplishes the owners long and short term goals. Having the ability to work with these consultants, find the appropriate compromise along with taking suggestions from suppliers, contractors and subcontractors to better achieve the owners requirements is a asset MCCS has acquired through involvement in many projects from conception through completion.